Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ban Irish Fox Hunting

Target: The mission is to ban "the hunt" in Ireland and get it reinforced!

Web site: http://www.banbloodsports.com/foxhunting.htm

Fox hunting is cruel and there's no reason to do it, apart from the fact that they're vermin. This petition is to ban irish fox hunting until the deer culling season which is usually in November.

Numbers taken per year from an anto fox hunting site:
Foxes killed: 15000
Human killed in accidents: 3
Pups and hounds killed: 6000
Vet fees for horses: £15 million
Injuries to hounds: 1000
Injuries to those on foot: 500
Total blood spilt: 1 ton plus
Policing costs (paid by taxpayers): over £1 million

That's just the grounds, please sign this petition and ban the hounds tearing these animals apart!!



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