Friday, June 11, 2010

Car Without a Driver

This car the future?

Mike and Maaike is an industrial design studio that engages in the design, manufacture progressive solutions for high and low tech products, furniture, vehicles, and so forth. They created Autonombile (ATNMBL) which is a concept car for the year 2040, with no facilities steering wheel, pedals or seat drivers. ATNMBL will drive themselves and only ask questions to the passengers, "Where do you go?".

ATNMBL has a capacity of seven persons, equipped with a view, conversation, entertainment, and social networking, designed from domestic architecture to the interior. From the outside, it looks like ATNMBL micro-architecture, large windows, a roof that looks unique and asymmetrical from any viewpoint, designed by simple when parked. Electric power is stored under the floor where pemumpang and provided with additional power from solar panels on the roof autonomobile. While there is lights on the front of heads and sensors.

ATNMBL Passengers can enter through the sliding glass door electric, and in it there is like a war room, side chairs and a table that is not too high. Controls carried out from voice recognition, sharing an extremely detailed settings to control the extreme, or who just want to relax enjoy the ride.

The main feature Autonomobile (ATNMBL):

    * Plus solar electric Power
    * No need to navigate via GPS, radar, camera or accelerometer setereo
    * Circular passenger seating for 7 people
    * Control of voice recognition and real-time remote
    * Large display for the info, search, browsing, communication
    * Open source software for social networking, city tours, virtual drivers, etc.
    * Live in a mini display trip info
    * Sliding doors, and bar facilities
    * There are no drivers license, no need to find parking, and safe to use anywhere


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