Sunday, March 16, 2008

Force India-FI Racing

Formula 1 Racing

Team:FORCE INDIA(former Spyker)
Owner:Vijay Mallya
Drivers:Giancarlo Fisichella(Italy) & Adrian Sutil(Germany)
Chief Technical Officer:Mike Gascoyne
Current Results:Just started.
The Billioner Vijay Mallya had a passion for race driving which led him to buy the former formula 1 team Spyker.Its recent budget is $106 million and hopes to be the top ten team in the coming times.However currently not performing very well in their first ever race,well it was a known fact that they dont expect much in the current season.They have high hopes for coming Malaysian circuit.
some Facts about FI racing:
  • There are more than 1000 parts in an F1 car.
  • One engine is used only for two races.
  • During the Monaco Grand Prix, cars change gears around 3,100 times.
  • The oldest race winner was Italian Luigi Fagioli in 1951, aged 53 years and 22 days

Vijay mallya is also the owner of an established airliner "Kingfisher Airlines".

He is the owner of Kingfisher Beer and is a big Liquor Baron.

He is a Phd in chemistry and a very lively person who believe in living life kingsize.


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